Monday, June 20, 2005

Ok I lied....

Hi, it is me again... hehehe... missed me? But I didn't actually lied. I was actually busy, and am still busy. Why I made it sound so BIG was that I wanted to let someone know that I am busy, too. So, I hope that the someone has got the message and the someone will never think of a mission for me again. Thanks.

And in this weekend without the someone, I have completed building a website for a school organisation, complete with PHP authentication so a user can just log in and post messages. Something like a blog but not as powerful as one. Well, anyway I learned a new skill and my job of maintaining the website becomes easier with this tool. Good work to myself. And starting from tomorrow, I will spend more time in the library to prepare for my graduate school entrance exams. Good luck to those who are going to sit for it.

I think I made it sound too suspicious with the term "someone", but the one who knows knows, the one who doesn't get it, maybe you don't need to know. But one thing is for sure that this someone is not the someone that you think if you don't simply know the answer...

Ok, let's call it a day here :)
See ya!


Anonymous said...

Hmm, "someone" had been giving you "missions impossible"?? :D

Koyi, we have a problem....

ganbatte for the inshi anyway ;)


koyi said...

> Koyi, we have a problem...

What do you mean by that???
Do we have the same problem?

Anonymous said...

hmm not same problem, but similiar ^^


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