Thursday, September 16, 2004

A horrible holiday... :(

Hello, sorry for the long delay in updating... if anyone is actually reading my blogs... :P

Yeah, I am now having my summer holiday. Actually it is already near the end of the holiday. School starts at 1st of October. Yeah, it is a Friday so I will have another two days to rest once after the school starts. Just wonder why they don't make it the 4th of October which is a Monday...

This is actually both a good holiday and a bad one for me... the good thing is that since we have had our exams before the holiday, I fully enjoyed it without worries about the exams. The bad thing is that, I wasted one week plus of the holiday suffering from a bad cough... so, take good care of yourself. Health is important. And today, just a few days after I recovered from the cough, I got one of my back tooth unplugged!!! Well, it is not as painful as I have expected but now I am having a cold sheet sticking to my chin. Again, go check the condition of your teeth every few months. So that you won't end up like I did.

Today's lessons:
1. Take good care of your health.
2. Take good care of your teeth.

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