Friday, June 22, 2007

Random posts

Have been cleaning up my mail box and read about some interesting news that I would like to share.

First, now you can buy books by chapters, said the people at O'Reilly. Those who know me well know that I like to buy books, now maybe this will save me some money :-) Let's see what else can we split into small pieces and sell. "Give me the sleeve of that shirt." :-P

Then, there is a survey on looking for the next generation search engine after Google. Personally I like the idea of KoolTorch, which focuses on the user interface instead of search results. However, I think they should work a little more on their search results, too.

Friday, June 15, 2007

I think an angel sings like this :-)

She is 6 years old, and her voice is just fantastic :-D

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More Free Photos for Public Use :-D

The title says it all.

You can find free high resolution digital stock photography for either corporate or public use at I am happy to have more materials for making pretty web sites.

Read the FAQs and related terms of use if you are concerned about the rights to use the photos.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sorry, this is just for programmers :-P

To find out which type of programmer you are.

>>> Programmer Personality Test <<<

This is my result:

Your programmer personality type is:


You're a Doer.
You are very quick at getting tasks done. You believe the outcome is the most important part of a task and the faster you can reach that outcome the better. After all, time is money.

You like coding at a Low level.
You're from the old school of programming and believe that you should have an intimate relationship with the computer. You don't mind juggling registers around and spending hours getting a 5% performance increase in an algorithm.

You work best in a Solo situation.
The best way to program is by yourself. There's no communication problems, you know every part of the code allowing you to write the best programs possible.

You are a Conservative programmer.
The less code you write, the less chance there is of it containing a bug. You write short and to the point code that gets the job done efficiently.
